
Jerry's hearing aid story

Patient Spotlight: Jerry’s Journey to Better Hearing

Hearing is a critical part of being able to function in everyday life. Even when one’s hearing problem isn’t yet obvious, that person’s quality of life can be negatively affected. We need hearing for many activities and it’s not something that many of our patients recognize until they begin having difficulty hearing. Our patient Jerry […]

elderly man getting a hearing aid

Patient Story: J.J. Levison

Like all senses, hearing often plays a critical role in daily life. Unfortunately, many patients, like J.J. Levison, ignore common hearing problems because they don’t like the idea of wearing hearing aids, haven’t found the right pair of hearing aids, or have developed coping skills, like lip-reading. The good news is that Best For Hearing […]

caretaker and patient reading in chair

Ruthies Story: A Caretakers Perspective

When you oversee caring for your parents, you want to make sure they receive the best care possible. We recently heard a story from Ruthie, a caretaker for her elderly mother, and wanted to share it. Below is her story about finding the best care for her mother and the impact good care had on […]

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